
What’s this? app

What's this? is a photo sharing game for iPhone and Android (coming soon). Take photos, edit them with fun filters and share with friends and see if they can guess what the photos are.

Winter 2012
Awards Nominated
Best Start-Up App 2012


As our clients put it “It’s like Draw Something and Instagram got it on and had an amazing baby…”

We are very excited to be part of this project and have developed the app for Wriggle, the guys behind Buy my Face. Not just because this is a fun app, but also for being part of Ed and Ross’s plan to inspire young entrepreneurs.

Only a year ago Ed and Ross graduated from Cambridge University and immediately founded viral marketing site,, with the aim to raise enough cash to pay off their student loan. In just one year they managed to achieve their goal, however they are putting their earnings back into a new venture: What’s this!